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Manifest Your Dreams with Linda Sevilla's Manifest! Course


Your subconscious mind runs 90-95% of your behavior and all your emotions. It is also the place from which we manifestbecause it is the gateway to the Zero point field, the "Matrix" or the  "Universe".  When you learn to work effectively with your subconsious you can mnifest what you desire more easily. Your subconsious does what it is programmed to do. When you impress upon your subconscious the results that you want, not only does it get busy creating those results for you, that intention is also sent out to the Universe and, via the Law of Attraction, you attract that which is a match for your intention. 


 However, most people are either unaware of their own subconscious or they don't know how to effectively use their subconscious to benefit themselves and improve their lives.


 Because the subconscious speaks a different language, we need to learn how to communicate with it in order to harness it's power and use it to improve our lives. When we don't take control of our own subconscious mind, we end up living life by default, instead of by design.


 In this fun and engaging self study class,  I will be teaching you how to communicate to your subconscious in a language it understands. I will teach you the various ways that the subconscious communicates back and how to recognize and be receptive to that communication. And if that's not enough, I will also be giving you 10 of my very best tools for manifesting!

I am so excited to see the magical things that begin to happen as you develop a stronger connection to your own subconscious and start to see how eagerly it responds to your requests for information, clarity and answers. I am excited to see the results that happen for you in terms of being able to more effectively manifest the circumstances you desire.


Through Manifest!, you'll learn to:


  • Connect with your subconscious

  • Harness its energy for personal growth

  • Co-create with the Universe

  • Achieve your deepest desires


Enroll in Manifest! for just $333 and begin co-creating the life you've always wanted.

Note: When you purchase you will be redirected to the course on our private platform where you will be asked to create a profile. 

The Ascension Center for Higher Consciousness Inc. 2021

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